Upcoming courses and events

April 6, 2025

Toronto – To be shared upon registration

Curious about socialism? Interested about if it is really possible and taking a sober look at the problems it will face? Want to discuss how to begin affecting change right now? 
In these uncertain and dangerous times, The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is a space to listen, discuss and challenge the contemporary relevancy of socialism.  
The School’s flagship course, Introduction to Socialism, is designed for both those experienced activists always looking to learn more, and those newer to socialist ideas and full of questions. It will not only provide a unique venue for collectively tackling important topics, but also a welcoming space where any question relevant to socialist organizing, no matter how basic or advanced, can be raised and discussed.

Participants are encouraged to attend each class if possible, as each week will expand on ideas introduced in the previous sessions. Classes will be taking place in downtown Toronto (venue info to be announced). This edition of the course will be in-person only. 

Classes will be taking place weekly on Sunday afternoons (times TBA) from April 6 until June 1.

Not able to attend every session in person? No problem! Recordings will be made available to those who might have to miss a session or two throughout the course.

Feel free to reach us with your questions and queries at info@leopanitchschool.ca

Register here

March 19, 2025

Eyesore Cinema, Toronto

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is very pleased to present the award winning movie Kneecap as the latest installment in the ongoing FilmSocial series.

In keeping with the work of the Leo Panitch School, this film is a riveting political story of the fight for Indigenous language rights, for justice and against occupation. It is also a hilarious, satirical commentary on life today in the North of Ireland, which the movie captures quite brilliantly. 

When fate brings Belfast schoolteacher JJ into the orbit of self-confessed ‘low life scum’ Naoise & Liam Og, the needle drops on a hip hop act like no other. Rapping in their native Irish language, KNEECAP fast become the unlikely figureheads of a Civil Rights movement to save their mother tongue. But the trio must first overcome police, paramilitaries & politicians trying to silence their defiant sound – whilst their anarchic approach to life often makes them their own worst enemies.

In this fiercely original sex, drugs and hip-hop biopic KNEECAP play themselves, laying down a global rallying cry for the defense of native cultures.

The film will begin with a short presentation and after the showing there will be a general discussion on the politics and implications of the film’s subject today.

Accessibility Information

Eyesore Cinema’s screening room is on the main floor of a video store on Bloor St. While there is stair-free access, the floor is uneven in places and may not be suitable for mobility devices. Washrooms are located in the basement of the store and are not wheelchair accessible. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@leopanitchschool.ca with any questions or concerns regarding accessibility at this event. We will always try our best to accommodate the needs of anyone in attendance. 

Save your spot

April 11, 2025

Centre for Social Innovation – Annex, Toronto ON

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is honoured to welcome Ståle Holgersen to Toronto for the launch of his new book Against the Crisis: Economy and Ecology in a Burning World!

If crisis defines our era, we need a coherent socialist policy in response. Today’s economic and ecological crises are not exceptions to an otherwise functioning system but integral to its operation. It is naive to see these upheavals as opportunities for reform or revolution. They are the bedrock of the status quo. Fortunately, the vicious circle sustaining capitalism is not founded on an iron law. Our historical mission in the face of the climate crisis is to create a historical exception to the rule. It is time for ecosocialism against crisis.

Capitalism produces crises and crises reproduce capitalism. We need an ecosocialist way out. 

Against the Crisis is a powerful intervention in favour of an ecosocialist exit from modern capitalism’s rotating door of crisis and calamity. 

When – 11 April – 7pm 
WhereCentre for Social Innovation – Annex, 720 Bathurst St. Toronto 
How – Register for free to save your spot

An online live-stream will be made available for those unable to attend in-person with us in Toronto. Please choose the “online registration” option to have the live-stream link sent to you on the day-of the event.

Featuring the author…
Ståle Holgersen is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University, Sweden. He is a member of two research collectives: the Zetkin Collective (ecosocialist group working on political ecologies of the far right) published White Skin, Black Fuel on Verso in 2021 and Fundament (a housing research collective) published Kris i Bostadsfrågan on Daidalos in 2023.

The Leo Panitch School is pleased to be co-hosting the Toronto stop on Ståle’s book tour with the Trade Unions and Labour Environmentalism Study Network (TULE)

This event is supported by the Centre for Social Justice. The Leo Panitch School is a political education initiative founded in 2023 by members of the Socialist Project.

The event space at the Centre for Social Innovation – Annex is on the first floor of the building, down a short flight of stairs at the south entrance. Wheelchair/level access can be found via a small lift directly inside the main doors. Further accessibility information can be found here. If you have any concerns regarding accessibility at this event, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 
Any questions regarding accessibility, participation, or programming can be directed to info@leopanitchschool.ca.

Register here

April 5, 2025

Online – Zoom

Unions and social movements today are operating in a very challenging situation. There is great economic uncertainty, the worsening impact of climate change and a global situation marked by the growing threat of conflict and war. Right-wing forces are increasing in strength, with Trump now in power in the US, Poilievre poised to do so in Canada. When workers strike or communities under attack take to the streets, it seems that victories are much much harder to win and past gains more difficult to defend.

It’s in light of these developments that the Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is thrilled to announce the Winter 2025 edition of the Fighting to Win course!

This course will grapple with these questions by looking at the forms of exploitation and oppression that exist in society and the means by which the power structure acts to limit and contain our struggles. It will consider the political perspectives, strategies and forms of organization we need to fight to win in the present context. This is not a ‘how to organize’ course, as important as these are. It is intended for activists who realize that the methods of struggle that were developed at an earlier time need to give way to more powerful and effective forms of social resistance.

Instead of lengthy lectures, each session will involve in-depth and participatory group discussions of the issues under consideration. The knowledge and lived experiences of those participating will be a vital part of the course. This will be true both for longtime organizers and for those just now dipping their toes in the world of activism.
The sessions will run on Saturdays at 12Noon EST exclusively over Zoom. The course will be conducted in English.

Participants from all over the globe are warmly invited to apply!

To allow for broader participation, the course is being offered free of charge for all participants. However, donations from those who can afford to contribute will be gratefully accepted.

Apply here

March 12, 2025

Eyesore Cinema, Toronto

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is very pleased to present BRAZIL as the latest installment in the ongoing FilmSocial series.

Written and directed by Terry Gilliam, the movie is set in a dystopian world where the main character, Sam Lowry, starts to wake up to the reality of his techno-bureaucratic society when he notices a mistake that leads to the death of an innocent person. 

Inspired by George Orwell’s 1984, the film takes a satirical approach to its major themes of state surveillance, bureaucracy, and corporatism. The movie was criticizing the increase in state surveillance in England as well as the state bureaucracy of the USSR in the 1980’s. However, Brazil holds its relevance as the world faces overwhelming corporate power, continued capitalist influence on government policy, and nearly inescapable digital surveillance. 

The evening will feature a short presentation and general discussion on the politics and implications of the film’s subject today.

We hope to see you there!

Accessibility Information

Eyesore Cinema’s screening room is on the main floor of a video store on Bloor St. While there is stair-free access, the floor is uneven and may not be suitable for mobility devices. Washrooms are located in the basement of the store and are not wheelchair accessible. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@leopanitchschool.ca with any questions or concerns regarding accessibility at this event. We will always do our best to accommodate the needs of anyone in attendance. 

Save your spot

Past Event Poster Archive

Against the People Book Launch
Against the People Book Launch
Bethune: Making of a Hero
Bethune: Making of a Hero
Socialist Project's Class and Capitalism Course for Activists
Socialist Project’s Class and Capitalism Course for Activists
Cradle Will Rock
Cradle Will Rock
Fertile Memory
Fertile Memory
Fighting to Win - Winter 2025
Fighting to Win – Winter 2025
Control at Work in the Age of AI
Control at Work in the Age of AI
Leo School Launch Event
Leo School Launch Event
Introduction to Socialism 2024
Introduction to Socialism 2024
Climate Change is a Class Issue Book Launch
Climate Change is a Class Issue Book Launch
The Killing Floor
The Killing Floor
Fighting to Win - Fall 2024
Fighting to Win – Fall 2024
How to Organize Your Workplace
How to Organize Your Workplace
The Fascist Thread feat. Adolph Reed Jr.
The Fascist Thread feat. Adolph Reed Jr.
Transforming the City
Transforming the City
System Change - an Ecosocialist Forum
System Change – an Ecosocialist Forum
Sweet Country
Sweet Country
The Fall and Rise of American Finance Book Launch
The Fall and Rise of American Finance Book Launch