The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education
About Us
The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education offers workshops, seminars, and courses about socialism.
Curious about socialism? Interested in a discussion of whether it is really possible and a sober look at the problems it will face? Wondering why socialists put so much emphasis on the working class?
Socialist education matters.
The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is based in Toronto, Canada, with select online programming for people located all around the globe. Please make sure to check back regularly for course information, updates, and how you can contribute to our mission of providing socialist education for all.
A more just and equitable society is possible.
The school emerged in 2023, at a moment when popular frustrations abound over inequality, the narrowing of democracy, the squandering of human potential, and the ever-clearer reality of impending environmental catastrophe. It’s in this context that we strive to provide radical, accessible, and practical educational programming for those seeking to better understand and address the crisis of our current times. The school was initiated by members of the Socialist Project and welcomes anyone who wishes for a better world to become a student, supporter, or facilitator!
Leo Panitch
Leo Panitch was a highly influential international thinker, a much-loved and respected teacher, and an especially effective and sought-after public intellectual. The school is both a tribute to him and a response, in these most turbulent of times, to a new interest in socialism – its hopes and its barriers. Inspired by Leo’s ideas and commitment, the school will host annual lectures with prominent domestic or international speakers and run classes and seminars to develop and spread socialist ideas.